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The contracting party is Amol, Mahmoudabad and Noor gynecologists. It has the facilities of LDR rooms and isolated rooms and physiological birthing facilities such as ball, tatami, fixed exercise bar and has aromatherapy and massage therapy facilities. Painless delivery facilities include Antonex gas, spinal anesthesia and also epidural anesthesia with the possibility of attendance. Spouse or other companion from the moment of hospitalization until delivery and after delivery, the recovery beds in the general area of ​​the maternity hospital have a single-use vacuum for difficult births with virgin balloon and prostaglandin to control bleeding. It is possible for respected midwives of the city to attend for the physiological delivery of labor control by a midwife for each Zao woman and delivery by a gynecologist. Adjacent to the neonatal ward and operating room in emergency cases is effective in speeding up patient care.