1. Information should be provided to the patient in an adequate and comprehensive manner.
  2. The right to receive quality healthcare services is the patients.
  3. The hospital appropriately supports vulnerable groups, including children, pregnant women, disabled individuals, the elderly, mental health patients, unidentified service recipients, individuals with physical and mental disabilities, unaccompanied minors, and other at-risk populations.
  4. The hospital provides respectful care to patients who are in the process of dying.
  5. Only the service recipient, the treatment team, individuals authorized by the service recipient, and those legally permitted may access the patient’s information.
  6. The provision of healthcare services must respect the patient’s privacy and uphold confidentiality.
  7. The presence of companions alongside patients is permitted, provided it does not interfere with medical procedures.
  8. The hospital has a process for addressing requests related to religious and spiritual services and adheres to it.
  9. All relevant education about the illness is provided to patients upon admission, during hospitalization, and at discharge.
  10. Before performing any medical procedure, patients are given the necessary information and sufficient opportunity for informed and voluntary decision-making.
  11. Informed consent is obtained based on a list of procedures and treatments requiring written consent from the service recipient or their legal guardian.
  12. Service fees are charged in accordance with existing laws and regulations (emergency services are provided without financial considerations, following current hospital regulations).
  13. Access to an efficient complaints handling system is the patient’s right.
  14. The hospital assesses the satisfaction of the service recipient.